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Estys Know Best!

ImageThere are between 25 and 30 different theories of aging recognized by the NIH (National Institute of Health). There is no unified theory of aging. Otherwise, only one ingredient in only one skincare product would serve to treat all aging skins. Therefore, aging must be approached from a multi-factor point of view with multiple ingredients and products. (By Charlene DeHaven, MD, FACEP, Clinical Director).

Because skin changes are among the most visible signs of aging, before we get into the causes of aging, let’s take a look at the structure of the skin and what happens to it during the aging process:

Your skin does many things. It protects you from the environment, helps control your body temperature and fluid balance, and contains nerve receptors that allow you to feel sensations such as touch and pain.  Although the skin has many layers, it can be generally divided into three main…

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